Friday, August 12, 2011

The caesars aren't going to drink themselves

This has nothing to do with this post.It just demonstrates what a baller I am
Ok, so I haven't posted in almost a year. My absence began with the failure to find any caesars tasty or unique enough to bother writing about. This fact, coupled with my inherent sloth-like nature, brought me to the six month mark. After that, I was just too embarrassed by my unintentional hiatus to write. And also sloth-like.

But here I am! Rejoice, all those with a mild interest in my blatantly biased reviews of Canada's favourite cocktail! If such a person does, in fact exist.

What have I been up to this year you ask? To which I answer, "none of your damn business." This blog is about one thing and one thing alone: the quest to find the perfect Caesar. A quest I have been rigorously preparing for during my time off. By watching a lot of House and not exercising. OK....go!