Friday, June 25, 2010

East Side Story

This post is about East Side Mario's! The title is a play on that famous broadway musical! You knew that already! My attempt at humor is as subtle as a grand piano falling on your head! Why am I using so many exclamation points! What is this, an Archie comic??!!!!

...Ok, I've composed myself. East Side Mario's in Bells Corners, Friday night. On the Patio, surrounded by friends. The sun setting on a beautiful summer evening. What more could a girl hope for??? I'll tell you what: A better Caesar. At first glance, the Casear was a thing of mouthwatering beauty. HUGE, glistening, tarted up with all kinds of stuff. The taste, however, left much to be desired:

Spice Level: 1.5/5 - ????
Garnishes: 3/5 - Cherry Tomatoes, a pickled pepper and finally! A celery Stalk! (You'd be surprised how delicious a Caesar soaked piece of vegetable can be when you've eaten nothing all day except a bag of chips for lunch. I hope my parents don't actually read this blog).
Originality: I'll give it a 2.5. It was sooo very pretty. The tomatoes were an odd choice in my opinion but god does East Side Mario's serve tasty peppers!
Overall yum Factor: 1.5...just really really bland. The Caesar is supposed to be a bold drink! If you can't take the heat, order a freaking Bloody Mary! Or else buy a bottle of Original (not Extra Spicy) Clamato and save yourself the $7!!

Recommended: No. But East Side's Patio on a Summer night, most definitely.

Everyone Knows Sex Sells...

...So I thought I'd point out that Clamato is apparently considered to be an aphrodisiac in Mexico. Arrriba!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Royal-ly Delicious (groan...)

Tunney's Pasture / Mechanicsville / Hintonburg. Whatever you want to call it, it's my favorite neighborhood in Ottawa. Maybe because it's transit way adjacent? Or because each house is unique to those around it (not like the almost eeire, Edward Scissorhand-esque homogenity of the suburbs)(I refer of course to the creepy planned community he visits, not his awesome gothic castle). Or, perhaps, it's the plenitude of interesting shops, many of which actually CLOSE on Sundays?!? Either way, I'm glad to be able to call it my home once more. Therefore, the Caesar I happily tasted at the Wellington Royal Oak on moving day may have been given an edge over the competition:

Spice Level: 2.5 (Keep in mind that I am one of those people who likes their spicy food to actually physically hurt them, so for a Caesar to rate a 4 or higher it needs to be a little out of control)
Garnishes: Only a lone lime wedge...a fact that would normally irk me but like I said, I was in a good mood.
Originality: 1...just a good, solid, tasty Caesar
Overall Yum Factor: 4, lots of Worcestershire sauce which I adore (Yes I had to look up the spelling)

Recommended: Yes, especially if your boyfriend remembers to order it without ice :) Check out the neighborhood while you're there.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Caesars should be the new Champagne

Wedding Season is most definitely upon us. On Saturdays, cheezily decked out limousines prowl the streets of Ottawa. In the office, there can be heard the frantic murmurings of those finishing their best man/maid of honour speeches on their lunch breaks. There's a certain softness in the air and even the most cynical can dare to dream a little. And then there's the drinking. My friend Schone recently tied the knot and we, naturally, sent the happy couple on their way to the alter by getting together before the big day to drink a lot. Then followed the wedding, which was a beautiful and memorable day. Congrats Schone and Paul! I lift a Caesar to wish you many happy years together!!

('s the review??? Truth is the Caesar I had at Le Bistro L'Autre Oeil in Aylmer at said pre Wedding drinkfest was so umemorable it only merits this little postscript. Spice Level: Meh, Garnishes: None, Originality: Meh, Overall yum Factor: you guessed it, Meh. Tasted exactly like one of those pre-mixed Caesars you buy in the "Party" section of the LCBO. Mott's, I am I lifelong fan of your tasty Clamato, but please, please amp up the bottled Caesar!!!!)

The Best??? We shall see.....

Well, it appears that the gauntlet has been thrown down. Apparently, Pepper's Pub in Saint John, NB claims to have the "World's Best Caesar". Sadly, I wasn't there to experience this so called Masterpiece, but, to quote my sister Herb who discovered it during her East Cost adventures, it rated:

Spice Level: 4.5 they dumped chili flakes and hot horseradish in the drink
Garnishes: 3..had 3 jumbo olives a lime and a rimmer made of chili flakes
Originality: 3.5
Yum factor: 4.5 ! :)

Recommended: Well, Herb obviously thinks so! Methinks this one might be worth a road trip...stay tuned...also, who wants to lend me their car???