Funny story. Well, not that funny. Funny if you think Two and Half Men is funny. You know, good for a mindless chuckle but absolutely lacking in any actual depth. Plays on cliches and stereotypes rather than any inventive humor. As usual, I digress. I should rename this blog "Mel rambles about inconsequential shit, also, she drinks too much". ANYWAY, to get back to the anecdote, recently, when I was temping in the Communications Department of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, the Director took us out for a fancy-schmancy lunch at Play Food and Wine. I am not accustomed to fine dining (being an endless die hard junkie for a certain St. Hubert), so it was with some trepidation that I entered the sleek dining room. (Side note: I was mistaken for a waitress on my way to the washroom, seeing as I had inadvertently worn the requisite Play uniform of white top and grey skirt). For those of you who haven't been to Play Food and Wine, on the corner of York and Sussex, it is a small plate restaurant with an extensive wine list. The idea is that each small course is to be paired with a different, complimentary wine to bring out the full flavor (yes Mel we know what a wine pairing is, some of us don't subscribe to the "everything smothered in gravy" gastronomy school). Everyone at the table ordered a glass of wine. Not me. When I asked the server if they made Caesars, the condescension was palpable as he begrudgingly stated that yes, they did. The bottles of wine were delivered by a sommelier, who would announce each wine individually before pouring it "And we have here a Gelber Muskateller from Austria", with a sort of ritualistic fervor. All around the table. Some minutes later, my Caesar was plonked down unceremoniously in front of me. Small, ungarnised, bland, unremarkable. Guess now I now not to order a Caesar in a pretentious WINE bar!!
Recommended: No. But if, unlike me, you can actually taste a difference between Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon, go check this place out.